Review: Kindle Fire HDX Hardware Impressions
My first 7 inch tablet was a Kindle Fire import from the USA, which was a very solid device with a 200$ price tag that was unheard…

Review: Asus Nexus 7 Travel Case – and why it’s not half as bad as many reviews suggest
There have been many reviews about the official Asus case for the Nexus 7 by now, and most of them aren’t very positive. I have been looking…

Review: Google Nexus 7 Hardware
Everybody has been waiting for a Nexus tablet ever since Google introduced Android Honeycomb alongside the Google experience Motorola Xoom tablet. Even though Google worked closely with…
Review: Eee Pad Transformer TF101 with Dock
Prior to Amazon shaking the Android tablet market with the Kindle Fire, there weren’t a lot of really successful tablets out there besides the iPad. Motorola introduced…
Review: Kindle Fire Hardware Impressions
Amazon made a big impact by announcing the Kindle Fire 7 inch Android tablet for a extremely competitive 200$ pricetag. Prior to the Kindle Fire you could…
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 will get TouchWiz UI update in August – Tears of Joy and Sorrow have been witnessed
Samsung announced an update which will bring their custom UI called TouchWiz to the Galaxy Tab 10.1. The Update is scheduled to be rolled out in august…
Motorola Xoom to finally get Android 3.1 update in August
Motorola confirmed that european Motorola Xoom users can expect to receive the Android 3.1 update on the 9th of august. “Androidâ„¢ 3.1 for Motorola XOOMâ„¢ will soon…