Review: Batti for Windows Mobile
One of my favourite utilities i’m using for some years now is called Batti. The standard wm battery indicator doesn’t really show any details about the battery…
Review: YouTube App for Windows Mobile
Recently google released their free youtube application for windows mobile devices. Let’s take a closer look at this software, which i tested using my xda orbit 2…

Pros&cons of the Iphone
We have to give apple credit for actually introducing a touch screen device to the mass market. In the pre-iphone era you could primarily find either geeks…
Pros&cons of the Windows Mobile platform
Currently there are a lot of smartphones on the market which all have their pros and cons. Since i’m searching for a follow-up device to my current…
Hello world
Hello everybody, So this is my first post. Let me explain quickly what my plans for the next weeks are. I’m planning to start off with a…