Review: HP webOS 2.1 – Can webOS still keep up?

It’s been nearly two years since i wrote an in-depth webOS review. Back then Palm surprised everybody with a very innovative mobile OS which didn’t have to…

Review: Palm Pixie Plus Hardware Impressions

It seems that i have some strange bond with Palm devices. Only a few days after i got an Palm Pre Plus for my wife, i was…

Review: Palm Pre Plus Hardware Impressions

About a year ago Palm released the Palm Pre Plus as follow up to the Palm Pre smartphone. As the name of the device suggests it was…

Review: Palm Pre WebOS

My Palm Pre hardware review made it clear, that while the Palm Pre is a nice device it’s not groundbreaking on the hardware-specs front. The real unique…

Review: Palm Pre – Hardware impressions

Not too long ago Palm was seen as a company which had a great past record, but no future. They just couldn’t keep the competitive edge, and…